Call for papers

A PDF of the "Call for Papers" can be found here.

DGCI (Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery) brings together researchers in discrete models, discrete geometry and topo- logy with applications in image analysis and image synthesis. This is the 20th edition of DGCI. It is organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group (PRIP) of TU Wien, Vienna Austria.

Discrete geometry plays an expanding role in the fields of shape modelling, image synthesis, and image analysis. It deals with topological and geometrical definitions of digitized objects or digitized images and provides both a theoretical and computational framework for computer imaging.

The main topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

Important Dates

Steering Committee

Eric Andres
Gunilla Borgefors
Srecko Brlek
David Coeurjolly
Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
Andrea Frosini
Maria-Jose Jimenez
Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
Nicolas Normand
Isabelle Sivignon

General Chairs

Walter G. Kropatsch
Ines Janusch
Nicole M. Artner
David Coeurjolly
